Crystal Reports Migration to Jasper Reports | Jasper Reports Development Case Study

Migrating Reports from Crystal to Jasper Reports! Our Jaspersoft reporting, migrating, and analytics consulting services enables enterprise with data-driven decision making. We are Jasper Reports, Jasper Server specialists!

Expertise on Jasper Reports, AdHoc Reports, OLAP, Views, and Domains.

Are you needing BI Reports for your application, so that data driven decision making is made easy? If you are evaluating tools, we can help you there. Oditek’s BI Team has expertise on Jasper Reports, Crystal Reports, SSIS and SSRS reporting tools. New Reporting module OR migration, we did it all.
Reach out to us today, for complete technology solution details we used in Reporting solutions.

Jasper Reports

We have delivered multiple projects in different industries in Jasper iReport. Our knowledge on the nuances in Jasper iReport graphical design interface and programming has helped us create multiple reports which were seamlessly integrated with the applications.

  • 01Create sophisticated layouts containing charts, images, subreports, crosstabs using iReport, Chart Designer
  • 02Deliver reports on a real-time or scheduled basis to the browser, mobile device, or email inbox in a variety of file formats using Jasper Server
  • 03Reports development using Jasper Community Edition OR Jaspersoft’s Business Intelligence (BI) Suite Enterprise Edition
Reports Migration

Jasper Reports can be cost effective compared to others. We have specialized skills to migrate Reports amongst variety of tools like Crystal, Jasper, SSRS and SSIS.

  • 01Planning and migration of reports from Crystal to Jasper & vice versa
  • 02Tools and solutions for easy migration between reporting software
  • 03Seamless migration of reports, consistent with reporting goals
AdHoc reports & OLAP

We have created data integration processes with various connectors available with JasperETL and helped in creating robust, reliable and scalable data warehouse solutions.

  • 01OdiTek has worked with many OLAP systems and that expertise came handy when we started with Jasper ETL
  • 02ETL systems which are implemented incorrectly can lead to disaster in terms of cost, time and business losses
  • 03Expertise on Adhoc Reports and OLAP, ensuring a robust BI Reporting Solution
Views & Domains

Expertise in creating Ad Hoc Reports, OLAP, Views, Domains. Good command in creating dashboards with visualizations

  • 0101Expertise in security and auditing, metadata layer. Development of Complex Reports using Jaspersoft Server and Jaspersoft Studio
  • 02ETL design and development, logical and physical data modeling (relational and dimensional)
  • 03Jasper report server administration, installation and configuration. Report deployment and configuration

We make Reports Development Easy!

Today’s enterprise-grade business applications are all data-driven. A perfect BI Reporting Solution will make sure business decisions are data-driven, and reports are available on the fly. We help our clients in analyzing their report needs, suitable reporting tool evaluation, and hand-hold to build high-value-addition reporting modules.

With our expertise on variety of BI Reporting tools like Jaspersoft Community Edition open-source, Jasper Server, Crystal Reports, SSIS and SSRS tools, we can help in setting up a desired custom reporting solution.

OdiTek’s Jasper Reports BI Development Services

Making your project compatible for this mighty tool could not be an easy task. Jaspersoft Sudio is one such tool enabled with GUI that allow professional developers to create reports via Jasper Reports Library for rendering and processing. OdiTek Solutions has deep technical expertise in Jasper Reports. Our expertise comes from the rich history that we have with Reporting tools/platforms like Microsoft SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), Crystal Reports, and some other open-source reporting tools. Our range of Jasper Reports Services are mentioned below:

Enterprise Data Warehouse

Design, define, and build Enterprise Data warehouse, Data Lakes, and data marts based on requirements

Jaspersoft ETL

Design, build, and deploy ETL using Jaspersoft ETL and real-time integration of Internal, External, and reference data providers

Reports and Dashboards

Define, design, develop, and deploy reports and dashboards using Jasper Charts, HTML charts, crosstabs


Embed Jasper Reports into the customer’s web applications, e-commerce applications using Web services or HTTP API


Migration of reports from different platforms to Jaspersoft leveraging the reusable components of the existing reports

Branding the Jasper Reports Server

Customizing the look and feel of the Jasper Reports Server to match the application UI and other requirements


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