We deliver the enterprise technologies & advisory services you need to transform and simplify your enterprise-class-systems
Highly experienced domain expertise and technology professionals to take care of your enterprise-level solution requirements
Customer Relationship Management
Design, Deploy or transform your existing CRM applications to meet the growing information/collaboration demands.
Enterprise Resource Planning
Transform your legacy ERP systems to adopt to next generation ERP and drive competitive advantage.
Supply Chain Management
Improve your supply chain for the ever-growing demands of the consumer marketplace.


Cloud Computing
Architect, Build and Deploy scalable cloud solutions in SaaS / PaaS / IaaS models. We have worked with leading Tier-4 Cloud providers.
Application Outsourcing
Outsource your enterprise applications to maintain & improve.
We are good at Data Analytics, have worked on Big Data / Hadoop and many open source Analytics components. Share your data & Get Analytics!
There is a combination of telecom wireless competencies and entuciasm with OdiTek, they had worked on LTE when the specs were in draft stage. Their strong knowledge on IP Security and networking can be utilized to a great deal for simulators or analysers product development and testing.
They were very attentive to our needs as clients and went out of the way to make sure our projects were taken care of. They were always able to get projects done in the specifications we requested. They are passionate about getting things done; I would definitely recommend them to lead any IT projects.
I worked with OdiTek on few high profile banking application projects. They did a fantastic job with web applications & manual testing on the VAS apps for two leading banks of UK that included rigorous UAT phases. I recommend them for any application development where security matters.
Want to know more?
If you are needing further information OR wish to kick start a 4-weeks trial period for our Enterprise Solutions Services, send us your details.