AngularJS Web Development

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This is the era of eCommerce and the internet and an increasing number of companies understand the need to go online for promoting their business. According to the new survey, there are almost 876 million websites all over the globe. However, there are plenty of web development frameworks accessible. So, for web development developers will have to pick the right framework. AngularJS is one such framework that is considered a versatile front-end framework. AngularJS Web Development has created a lot of buzzes when it comes to enterprise application development. AngularJS has increased significant footing in the realm of web development in the past few years. Many enterprises are now starting to embrace it.

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that was designed and developed by committed developers from Google in order to simplify front-end development. The resource comes with various plugins and frameworks for designers and developers. It’s tough to think about the development of a modern single-page application without AngularJS. It helps developers to build maintainable applications. This is one of the reasons why AngularJS is termed as the next big thing for web applications.

Growing Demand For AngularJS Web App Development

AngularJS Web Development has become a leading choice for developers. It comes with features that let the Angular app developers create the most robust and scalable web apps. Being an interactive JavaScript framework, it helps in building interactive elements and components of a website. Due to its rich features and attributes, AngularJS has emerged to be a universal solution to web development. It’s difficult to imagine the development of a new-age single-page app without using AngularJS.

Why AngularJS Web Development?

    Google’s support

    AngularJS is developed by Google itself and is maintained by dedicated Google developers. There are highly skilled and enthusiastic engineers for assisting if any technical or maintenance issues arise. This framework has a large community support. If you want any suggestions or get stuck with some technical issues, there are many forums to solve your queries.

    Two-way binding

    Two-way data binding is used in AngularJS Web Development and is considered one of the best features of this framework. It supports automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view. One can develop a template with ease for binding different components and models. The modifications in the user interface will instantly impact the application objects and vice versa. For any module changes, user actions or browser events, the necessary patterns are updated immediately.

    High Performance

    Web developers choose AngularJS because of its robustness, high scalability and ease of maintenance, etc. It is powered by amazing features like filters, directives, content sanitization, form validation, routing, data binding, animations, API client, scope management, form validation, etc. Also, AngularJS supports many tools for providing exceptional performance and outcomes. These help in building high-performing web apps. AngularJS allows producing new elements with the framework.

    Simplified Model View Controller (MVC)

    AngularJS Web Development uses the original MVC model which is a necessary feature for building dynamic web apps. It is a software architectural setup that maintains data, improves the code quality, reduces the complexity and makes the development faultless by dividing logic, UI and process into separate modules. MVC architecture minimizes the need for writing the code.

    Better user Interface with HTML

    In AngularJS, the user interfaces are built on HTML. HTML is a declarative language having shorter tags and very easy to grasp and follow. The code is lightweight and easy to read and support. The interfaces in HTML are completely well-thought, smooth, organized and structured.

    POJO Model

    AngularJS Web Development makes use of the POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object) model. POJO provides standard functionalities of JavaScript for object manipulation, so there is no need to add any additional getter and setter functions. The developers need to develop loops of arrays and objects and then reframe or adjust them as needed.

    Real-Time Testing

    The availability of in-built and real-time modules makes testing much easier for AngularJS web app developers. This is so because it supports functional and in-depth testing for every module and also enables faster testing of the web apps.

    Security and Responsiveness

    Being a very flexible and robust structure, JavaScript framework allows implementing third-party libraries and packages. It helps to build responsive apps.

    When there is a new update in the framework, data protection and security of the apps can affect. But AngularJS embeds strict security features and makes the apps highly secure.


    Routing simply means the transition from one view to another. It is a significant feature of single page applications. All the content in a single-page application is present on one single page. So, whenever the users click on a menu, they should not be redirected to a new page. Instead, the content should be asynchronously loaded on the same page while just the URLs change, for rich user experience. AngularJS makes routing easier by making various views for different URLs.

    Flexibility with filters

    AngularJS is flexible with filters. Filters are used for filtering the data before it reaches the view. These are standalone functions concerned with data transformations. They involve functions like reversing the order of an array, formatting decimal places on a number, implementing pagination, filtering an array based on a parameter, etc.

Key Takeaways

AngularJS Web Development is a promising technology that is helping businesses to develop interactive and user-friendly web apps. It comes with many controls, services, views, models and directories. As compared to other frameworks, this multi-functional framework reduces the coding part significantly. This ultimately reduces the efforts of developers, while speeding up the development process and reducing the chances of errors. It is a highly flexible framework that enhances productivity and expediency. Using AngularJS framework is a win-win situation for both developers and enterprises.

Have you got any plans for your web app development? Ask our experts what is the best for your business.

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AngularJS Development

We make use of AngularJS, an open-source client side web application framework for creating single page application which only requires HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the client side. With this technology, we can extend HTML vocabulary and create powerful well-structured, rich applications in a modular...

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