Differences between ASP.NET 5 and ASP.NET MVC 6

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The best way to learn the new in any technology is to compare with its earlier version. The ASP.NET 5 is an open-source platform for developing web applications on Windows, Mac and Linux. On the other hand, The ASP.NET MVC 6 is the framework for building web apps on the ASP.NET 5 platforms. So, today we will be discussing on the difference ASP.NET MVC 5 and ASP.NET MVC 6. Before we discuss the differences, first let’s be acquainted with the terms like DOT NET, ASP.NET and MVC.


Developers create programming by consolidating their particular source code with .NET frame and different libraries. NET Framework is most of the time utilized by most new applications made for the Windows stage. Microsoft additionally delivers an incorporated development location to a great level for .NET programming called Visual Studio.

The .NET stage is a vital part of the Microsoft Windows working framework for building and running cutting edge programming applications and Web administrations.

What is MVC structure in ASP Net?

The ASP.NET MVC system is an insubstantial, exceedingly testable presentation structure that (as with Web Forms-based applications) is incorporated with existing The ASP.NET fundamentals, for example, ace pages and participation-based verification. The MVC structure is characterized by the System.

MVC Introduction?

MVC is one of three The ASP.NET programming models. MVC is an organization for building web applications utilizing an MVC (Model View Controller) outline: The Model speaks to the application centre (for example a rundown of database records). The view shows the information (the database records).


The ASP.NET MVC organization is a lightweight, very testable presentation system that is coordinated with existing The ASP.NET highlights. Some of these coordinated fundamentals are ace pages and employment-based confirmation. The MVC structure is characterized by the System. Web DOT MVC gathering.

  • ASP DOT NET Identity for justification and character administration. These days, advanced applications are produced for more general scope of customers, for example, web, versatile as a primary concern. Likewise, clients are air conditioning
  • Lively utilizing their social characters from different social channels like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and so forth. The ASP.NET Site Identity is another Membership framework to handle confirmation and approval for an assortment of customers and additionally utilizing the client’s current social characters.
  • Authentication Filters for verifying client by custom or outsider verification supplier.
  • With the assistance of Filter supersedes, we can now abrogate channels on a strategy or Controller.
  • Bootstrap supplanted the default MVC layout.
  • Attribute Routing is currently coordinated into .NET MVC 5. Fundamentally, MVC Routing is an astounding approach to make human well-disposed and Search Engine Optimized URLs.


MVC 6 is part of The ASP.NET 5. As we can expect with any new version of a framework many changes are introduced but a lot more concepts and changes are introduced in MVC 6. This is because the underlying ASP.NET framework has been rebuilt from the ground up so it reflects in the MVC framework as well.

New features in MVC 6: –

  • Can be run other hosts then IIS –
  • While MVC5 can be facilitated in IIS and keeps running on top of The ASP.NET pipeline, MVC 6 can act naturally facilitated and utilizes adaptable pipeline in which we have finish control over the segments that are a piece of the pipeline.

  • Cloud optimized-
  • Since MVC 6 is a piece of the ASP.NET 5, which has been intended for cloud enhanced applications, the runtime naturally picks the right form of the library when our MVC application is sent to the cloud.

  • Environment based configuration system –
  • MVC 6 incorporates a new environment construct setup system, unlike depending in light of simply the web. Config record as in the past versions. Deploying MVC 5 applications to the cloud requires numerous arrangement changes. MVC 6 applications can be effortlessly sent to the cloud as a result of the earth-based design system. Our application works with the arrangement suppliers which retrieves the incentive from the distinctive setup sources like an XML document.

  • Dependency injection –
  • In MVC 6 reliance infusion is bolstered over every one of the advances, WebAPI, MVC and WebPages. A default reliance infusion holder is given out of the crate which gives negligible usefulness and is helpful when we require just restricted functionality. We can without much of a stretch include our reliance infusion compartment by executing the IServiceProvider interface. This is the interface that is actualized by the default holder too, so we can supplant the default usage with our container.

Which one does count?

The difference list is huge since “ASP NET 5” is largely re-written and introduced framework level changes, a different way of handling dependencies, new project structure, JSON configurations, Cross-platform support and many more things. There are many differences compared to ASP.NET MVC 5/6 but without writing a single of code if we can find these differences then it means Microsoft has moved much ahead in terms of making it Open Source.

We have some of the best .NET developers in India, if you need more information on DOT NET Development or performance improvement initiatives on existing .NET portals, do reach out to us on – info@oditeksolutions.com

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As an ASP NET development company, we specialize in providing a solid, flexible, and proven platform to propel your business into the next generation of corporate growth and prosperity. ASP.NET (Active Server Pages .NET), an open-source framework developed by Microsoft, empowers developers in ASP NET...

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