Enterprises and businesses are currently in the process of migration from legacy systems to new, dynamic and robust web applications. In the jam-packed market of various technologies, for example, PHP, HTML5, WordPress, Magento and several others, Asp.Net Technologies has ended up being a popular choice. Asp.Net technology has the power to build sites or web applications that can scale your business to the next level of achievement. For any business in addition to hire ASP.Net developers, picking the right tools is similarly imperative to build an enterprise-level web application. Before we continue we should comprehend what a web application development is
Web application development refers to the creation of application software that is located on remote servers and is delivered to the user’s device over the Internet. As a result, a web application doesn’t need to be downloaded by the user but is instead accessed through a web browser.
In this blog, we take you through a list of the best tools & technologies that you can use for building web applications based on Microsoft Technologies (.NET).
Trending Tools for ASP.Net Developers
Web Platform Installer
Simply put, this free tool makes it extremely convenient for developers to download, install and stay up-to-date with the latest components on the Microsoft Web Platform – such as the SQL Server Express, .NET Framework and the Visual Studio. The Web Platform Installer also provides a defined installation workflow for installing open source applications and technologies for the web platform. This tool with its built-in windows web application gallery also makes it extremely convenient and simple to run the most popular free web applications for blogging, content management and more.
Web Essentials – A Visual Studio extension
This is one tool that makes lives much simpler for developers by extending Visual Studio. Thereby opening up an inventory of CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript or LESS and several other useful features.
Initially, NuGet started as a free and open-source package manager solely intended for the Microsoft development platform. Today, NuGet has evolved into a comprehensive ecosystem of tools and services. The NuGet client tools allow you to consume packages. This tool also outlines how packages are produced, hosted and expended. Moreover, it also provides tools for these roles.
Chocolatey is a tool especially designed and developed for the Windows NT platform. It is a machine-level software package manager and an execution engine that uses the NuGet packaging infrastructure and the Windows PowerShell to provide an automation tool for installing the software in Windows machines and aim at simplifying the process for the user.
LINQPad is the tool that sanctions testing LINQ queries or any C#/F#/Visual Basic program. LINQPad is a platform for prototyping & instant feedback. It is the perfect tool that comes with built-in features like the debugger and autocompletes. It also helps manage the clutter in the source code folder in the Visual Studio Console. It is an essential tool for experimenting with LINQ and testing code snippets before they are introduced into your code.
.NET Reflector
.NET Reflector acts as a decompiler and a static analyzer for the .NET framework. It helps you comprehend and debug the .NET code. It allows you to also do it for third party components even if you don’t have any documentation or comments.
NDepend is a Visual Studio extension that is mainly used for static code analysis. NDepend is especially useful as far as optimization of code and measuring the code quality is concerned. It also comes handy while visualizing its design and for accurately estimating the technical depth, inside the IDE. Additionally, the tool provides a custom querying language for examining the application’s coupling and analyzing how efficiently conform to standards.
Basically, SQLComplete is a productivity tool that augments the SQL Server Management Studio by adding useful features such as tab colouring, script generation, navigation, etc. This completely customizable tool, not just improves the code quality but also simplifies the process of creating SQL queries with Context-based code completion, Code completion for CTE, managing aliases, Suggestions of objects, Code highlighting and more.
The ReSharper tool provides features that focus on code quality analysis. The Resharper tool not only identifies the problems in code but also solves them automatically. The automated solution-wide code refactoring helps in changing the codebase. This tool is extremely helping in uplifting the legacy code or even the project structure.
Are you looking for top-notch .NET developers to help you take your project off the ground? All you have to do is just get in touch with Oditek Solutions at –