Cucumber Testing Framework

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Introduction to Cucumber:

Cucumber testing framework/automation is a software tool preferred by testers and computer programmers to carry out error-free testing processes. Cucumber test automation supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD), which is a technique where you can write simple test cases regardless of technical ability. Anyone in the organization can understand the test cases written in Cucumber with Gherkin.

The Cucumber testing framework integrates explaining the application’s behavior using the Gherkin language. Gherkin uses a simple syntax and supports multiple programming languages like Python, Ruby, Java, etc. So that you can use any language you are familiar with. The Cucumber automation tool not only integrates with Selenium but other web-based testing tools like Watir and Ruby on Rails.


OdiTek Solutions being a leading test automation company in India makes use of concrete and collaborative Cucumber tool for Behavior Driven Development and bridges gap by ensuring the application runs properly. By using the Cucumber automation tool, we write acceptance tests for web applications and can cater to every testing requirement of the customer and generate reports. Our Cucumber test automation framework is human-readable and focuses on the end-user experience.

With Cucumber testing frameworks and tools, our testing automation team can help you get rid of the ambiguity and connect to the entire software development life cycle. We use Gherkins keywords in our feature files and easily write user stories more efficiently.

BDD Framework Cucumber can help resolve communication issues between business and technical people by:

1. Creating reliable documentation

2. Encouraging collaboration

3. Working iteratively to promote fast feedback


At OdiTek Solutions, we follow the best strategy that can meet today’s testing demands in the smartest way. Our innovative team of professionals holds years of experience in the testing industry and can cater to today’s business requirements in a well-thought manner.

1. Automate:
Our open-source tool correctly tests the business-driven specifications against the code over any modern development stack.

2. Collaborate:
We collaborate with every new product released to allow industry owners and businesses to harness the power of examples which makes everyone the part of the conversation.

3. Elevate:
Our experienced testers possess great knowledge into the Cucumber automation and help businesses to achieve their goals and prosper their business with the right technology at the right place.


Cucumber supports almost all popular software platforms. This is the reason behind Cucumber’s popularity over other frameworks like JBehave, Easyb, JDave, etc. Some of the Cucumber supported tools are –

1. Selenium
2. Ruby on Rails
3. Watir
4. Spring Framework
5. PicoContainer

More Details…

Cucumber testing framework will not communicate directly with the applications. Cucumber acts more like an execution framework. Use the framework in conjunction with the tools like Selenium WebDriver. The use of Cucumber in Gherkin language supports features and scenarios based on their definitions for its programming function or test case execution.

Using Cucumber you can write automated tests in three steps that deliver high value while requiring low maintenance:

1. Define Scenarios: The acceptance tests are written in Gherkin language. The scenarios are defined based on the user stories and features by the BA Team.

2. Create Step Definitions: Once the scenarios are defined, implement the steps for execution.This can be done in varieties of languages supported by Cucumber. For example, if you select a language like Java for implementation, define the necessary classes and methods by creating a project structure. The project can have referenced added to the Selenium jars, so that the packages can be imported and used to implement the steps to drive browsers using Selenium API.

3. Define UI Element Descriptions: One of the best ways is to use the PageObject design pattern to define UI element descriptions. The pattern makes automated test maintenance easier. The reason being any changes made to the page elements are abstracted into the PageObject itself, without any requirement of updating the feature files and step definitions.


Originally, Cucumber tool was written in the Ruby programming language. It was specifically meant for testing of Ruby as a complement to the RSpec BDD framework.

But now, Cucumber framework supports a variety of programming languages like PHP, Python, Perl, Net, JavaScript, Java, etc. With several implementations. And in Java, it supports native JUnit.



1. Collaboration: Bridge the gap between technical people and businesses by collaborating on executable specifications.

2. Automation: Accelerates development using BDD specifications that double as automated tests.

3. Git Integration: Connects to your source control system for BDD automation that is always up-to-date.

4. Living Documentation: Gets your team aligned with living documentation explaining how the software will work.

5. BDD: Encourages collaboration across roles and work in fast, small iterations to increase workflow and feedback.

6. Gherkin: Empowers everyone on the team to collaborate with integrated Gherkin editor.


OdiTek is the leading automation testing service provider in India with years of expertise in Cucumber testing. We primarily focus on delivering high-quality services to the customers and meet business needs.

To avail of our Cucumber testing framework automation services, contact us today and get robust support to Cucumber testing automation challenges.

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Behavior Driven Development

BDD (Behavior Driven Development) is a software development process that originally emerged from Test Driven Development (TDD). Behavior Driven Development is written in such a way that it illustrates the behaviour of the system, written in readable and understandable language for everyone involved in the...

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