WebRTC with Node.JS

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WebRTC is a real-time communication platform described with HTML 5 specifications that enables its users to have real-time seamless communication with their peers without any additional plug-ins. WebRTC can do multitasking such as file sharing, video conferencing, and screen sharing, etc. Do you know why WebRTC Node.JS server is chosen in the case of WebRTC? Do you know how it works? Do you know how it is different? Here is why!

WebRTC facilitates its users to communicate with their peers easily and it also enables its users to share large files to each other instantly. WebRTC uses much technical know-how to operate. However certain functionalities such as to construct a connection, transfer data files that are implemented through a particular set of APIs such as-

A. getUserMedia- It captures audio and media
B. RTCPeerConnection- It navigates end-to-end connections
C. RTCDataChannel- It describes the creation and configuration

What is Node.JS?

It is a server-side run time platform that is based on JavaScripts. We can also say that JavaScripts can be used for backend development. It’s quite relaxing news for the WebRTC developers because now they can use a common language for both front and back end. Node.JS is a combination of Google’s V8 JavaScript, a low-level I/O API, and an event loop. It was initially available on Mac OS and Linux. The Windows version came into the picture after three years of inception.

Node.JS is becoming more and more popular worldwide and you will be surprised to hear that over 175,398 websites out of which, some are the biggest performers on the market are already using Node.JS as their backend solutions. WebRTC Node.JS is now an open-source with MIT license that is supported by hundreds of add-ons and massive communities. As per the Stack Overflow 2019 Survey, Node.JS is currently the most commercial tool in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools” categorized with 50% of answers.

Know more about OdiTek’s best-in-class Node JS development services here – https://www.oditeksolutions.com/nodejs-web-development-services/

What is Node.JS Used For?

The following things make Node.JS so appealing among developers and software companies across the world-

1. API: Almost every application needs some kind of backend to communicate with the other external services through their databases. Because of the digital revolution, you can now easily find a library to create APIs like REST or GraphQL with the help of the big community. Previously Node.JS was suggested for apps performing low-level CPU intensive operations.

2. Real-Time Applications: Since Node.JS is effective at handling large input-output operations, it can be used to construct real-time applications. Such as a chat room that will enable people to have a conversation with each other in real-time. Building a video conference application has become so easy because of the event API and WebSockets of Node.JS.

3. Streaming Applications: Streaming services are commonly used by most of the users in their day to day lives such as listening to music, watching videos without downloading. You can also binge-watch your favorite TV series on the internet. Node.JS has a built-in stream module that allows you to transfer a large amount of data in chunks with proper order. Thanks to Node.JS there is no such requirement of storing temporary data or cache files in your memory.

4. Command Line Tools: With the help of availability of the packages in NPM, advanced command-line tools can be created easier that will suit your requirements.

5. Microservices: It has become one of the popular approaches in application development currently. Node.JS has a very lightweight; hence it will make your solutions scalable easily. A lot of companies including software companies emigrate to Node.JS while moving to the microservices.

Why Choose Node.JS as the Core Programming Language in Building WebRTC Video/Voice Chat Applications?

After the pull of global market value by the chat functionality, the importance of video communication aroused rapidly among business houses. The RTC platform plays a vital role in exchanging the arbitrary data among browsers without any third party assistance. The industrial usage of WebRTC includes broadcast, education, sales, collaborations, consumer web, etc.

WebRTC uses JavaScript as its major required data script where as Node.js is the core framework in JavaScipt. Considering the server-side, “JavaScript Runtime Built” is the perfect model designed for storing the data in the real-time application that is operated in major devices. There are certain parameters that enforce the developers to rely on WebRTC using Node.JS. They are-

a. Real-Time Web Application: The basic reason for using Node.JS is to experience voice/video chat application in a lightning fast speed. It has event-driven infrastructure that enables instant synchronisation of data among server-side and client-side that are written in JavaScript.

b. Concurrent Request Simultaneously: Node.JS is designed in such a way that can be compatible with server-side frame-work as well as server-side proxy that provides non-blocking IO. This will handle major amount of connections simultaneously. With the help of this Node.JS synchronic requests can be managed by the system. Since no excessive RAM will be consumed by WebRTC, incoming requests will be queued as well as executed at a very fast rate than other languages like Ruby or Python.

c. Ideal Communication Friendly: WebRTC for Node.JS is providing phenomenal modules ideal for assimilation of video call into websites as well as mobile applications. There are large and diversified list of modules available where the communication between both the servers are managed by Socket.io to get instant real-time updates.

WebRTC Node.JS Server

To set a connection between two browsers, a server is needed, that can handle real-time communication. WebRTC with Node.JS is created for establishing real time ascendable applications. For developing two-way connection apps with free data interchange, your preference will probably go for WebSockets that will allow you for opening a communication session between two users. The request sent from users will be processed as a loop or you can say event loop, which will identify Node.JS as an agreeable option because it has the “non-blocking approach” to the requests that will cause low dormancy and high amount of data transmission along the right way. Node.JS is also very suitable for single-page applications.

SPAs or Single Page Application are quite popular these days among users. It’s because users want instant responses and also the page loads are immoderate. SPAs are designed in such a way that they will behave as mobile applications for the clients while passing small data packets through Websockets to the servers as required.

Benefits of WebRTC with Node.JS

Node.JS has huge number of advantages out of which we will discuss about the few major advantages.

1. Scalable Systems: Since WebRTC with Node.JS is very lightweight; it is quite easy to scale the functionalities such as video calls, audio, and instant texts etc. of WebRTC with the other browsers. You can scale your system either horizontally or vertically as per your requirements using different servers.

2. Open-Source NPM repository: Node.JS has over sixty thousands of modules out of which you can effortlessly detect a ready to go solution to all your problems regarding WebRTC Node.JS.

3. Non-Blocking I/O paradigm: The I/O or input-output operations usually wait for responses from servers. Since WebRTC with Node.JS is one threaded, the entire operation may block while waiting for the query. Hence using a non-blocking API will be suitable for such kind of applications. It may handle lots of connections and operations simultaneously with proper efficiency.

4. Good for microservices: As we have discussed earlier lots of companies are emigrating to Node.JS while moving to microservices.

5. Single Programming Language: Since WebRTC uses two end-users, so, it requires operating in two languages separately for frontend user and for backend users. While using Node.JS you can operate both frontend and backend with one language i.e. JavaScript. Now you no longer have to hire separate technical people to both the ends, which will save your money as well as time.


WebRTC is a Real-Time Communication platform that enables the users to communicate among them without any third-party plug-ins. There are large numbers of programming languages out of which only certain languages such as JavaScript have the potential to provide video/voice chat application in a way, the users expect. Node.JS is the absolute choice out of all the other alternatives available for constructing a supreme WebRTC enabled video chat application that provides astonishing performance as well as manages certain functions such as handling the concurrent request, creating APIs and modifying demand adaptivity in order to improvise your WebRTC video/voice chat application in Android, iOS, and Web.

Oditek solutions will help you with the implementation of Node.JS in your system. We have a team of Node.Js specialist; they will help in maintaining and solving any issues regarding Node.JS in your software.

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