Common Challenges in .Net Application Development

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Though mobile apps have already made desktop apps obsolete for most users, now the mobile user experience and corresponding design expectations are actually impacting the design and development of desktop apps. This is why designing and developing desktop apps now has come with a new range of challenges. .NET Development can be very rewarding if developers know the .NET framework well, but it can become overwhelming quickly if the developers have not received proper training or do not have enough experience with it. In this blog, we will look into what are the challenges and benefits in .Net application development that are faced by the developers. But first, we should know what is .Net Application Development?

What is .Net Application Development?

What is .Net Application? .NET is one of the best software frameworks developed by Microsoft. Developers can build all kinds of apps from the simplest ones to the most complex ones using this programming platform. It is possible to build applications with reusable codes using programming languages of C++, VB, C#, JS through the use of UDDI, WDSL, OOP, ASP, SOAP, and XML.

Challenges in .Net Application Development

  • Unnecessary Logging

  • If your web.config file is left untouched, you will have the default “Event Log” items logged. While it is crucial that you are able to view errors that users have encountered, .NET applications have a reputation for logging literally everything that occurs, from every “200” HTTP response to exact load time for small components. If this is left unchecked, your ASP .NET application development endeavors can be foiled due to slow load times.

  • Application Hanging

  • Another notorious component of ASP .NET development is “application hanging“. This means that your IIS website either takes a very long time to load or simply returns a “500” series HTTP error to users attempting to access it. Dot Net Application Development must be done in a manner that avoids both “soft hangs” and “hard hangs”.?

    “Soft hangs” are less serious than “hard hangs” and usually happen when there is bad code in certain parts of the website that are not in the core of it, either making loading parts of certain pages impossible or loading some entire pages impossible. Even if Visual Studio or your preferred IDE does not show any compile or run-time errors, it is very important to follow traditional Code Review and peer testing methods.

    “Hard hangs” are very serious. This means that your application completely stops working due to bad code. This can be caused by something as little as forgetting a single bracket in a tokenized value. Again, you must ensure proper testing and Code Review is occurring to avoid this type of issue.

  • Server Overload

  • Another common issue that ASP developers run into is “server overload”. The IIS suite comes with a swath of tools, including the “IIS Server”. This can make hosting an ASP .NET application easy, but without load balancing; most servers will eventually become overwhelmed as the user base increases. While resource overutilization can play into this, there may be other factors, as well.

    Almost any issue with the IIS server can cause this. Even simply using an SSL certificate that was either placed on the CRL or expired can be enough to cause this issue. Application Pool and caching issues also play a role in this, making it crucial for developers to actively test in both the coding realm and the “application layer” realm before putting any ASP .NET application out for Production.

  • Database Issues

  • While Dot NET Application Development processes allow developers to choose their database technologies, developers will often go with the DBMS that “fits” the best with ASP .NET: Microsoft’s own “SQL Server”. Database Issues are a common challenge during the development process. If a page technically works but is performing slowly, chances are that it is a database issue. Before pointing fingers at developers, you should check with the DBA and monitor how long common database calls take.

    For example, using a huge database and complex operations on it can easily add seconds (or, in unfortunate cases, minutes) to the loading of an ASP .NET page. Database configuration issues can also play a part in this. Depending on how your development team is divvied up, the developers may or may not have control over how database calls and the database schema work.

Key Benefits of using Asp.Net Application Development

This open-source, server-side web application framework has an array of benefits, some of which are as mentioned below:

  • Scalability and Ease to use: ASP.NET is useful for creating dynamic, robust, and scalable web applications. All ASP.NET applications handle requests in run time by closely monitoring and managing processes to replace dead ones with new ones. ASP.NET enables performing common tasks from a simple form submission, client authentication to site configuration, and deployment.
  • Security: ASP.NET is the best choice for building applications that are completely secured owing to its built-in Windows authentication and per-application configuration.
  • Developer’s Delight: Minimal coding is required to build large applications using ASP.NET. This Microsoft framework comes with a toolbox and designer in the Visual Studio integrated development environment. Developer-friendly features of ASP.NET such as automatic deployment, WYSIWYG editing, and drag-and-drop server controls.
  • Asp.Net technologies are preferred by developers as it is easy to create and maintain because of the existence of source code and HTML.


.NET Development has a great toolchain and is commonly used by developers. However, knowing what to troubleshoot and how to troubleshoot is a must in the ASP .NET world. Without having some experts on your team, you may find yourself quickly overwhelmed with the challenges that come with it.

With Oditek’s .NET development team, you get ASP.NET MVC framework expertise that offers services for building dynamic robust software applications. We are a global software development company with customers across continents with expertise in different industries.

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As an ASP NET development company, we specialize in providing a solid, flexible, and proven platform to propel your business into the next generation of corporate growth and prosperity. ASP.NET (Active Server Pages .NET), an open-source framework developed by Microsoft, empowers developers in ASP NET...

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