Retail E-commerce Platform Testing | Case Study

Manual and Automation tests for eCommerce based Retail applications. Testing Secure, Fast & Reliable software & solutions for the retail and aggregator product platform.

Manual & Automation Tests for Insurance Application Platform

About Customer

Customer is a space rental aggregator that had different space listings across countries on rent. The product is launched in GCC countries and India to start with, however the listings are allowed irrespective of geographies.

Test Requirements

Like any other aggregator eCommerce platform solutions, this project had specific test scope to validate booking and payment journey, cart, payment and SMS GW tests, security tests and performance or scalability tests. Both manual and automation tests covering web and mobile platforms were required to be carried out before launch of the product.

The Business Case Challenge

Major challenge for the project was to validate payment GW and SMS GW with an international perspective. As such booking journey and functionality tests were paramount, security and scalability tests were challenging as well.

OdiTek’s Solution

Entire product platform i.e. web & mobile apps were considered with a two pronged manual & automation test coverage from the test strategy. Functionality matrix was created so that functional coverage could be assured, then Selenium and Appium frameworks were used to automate the manual test sets. Security and performance tests were carried out during integration phase ensuring UAT remains risk free.

At a Glance

The space rental aggregator platform test assurance project had scope to validate both web application and the mobile apps. Customer though was launching the product in GCC countries and India, but the space listing was allowed to be added from anywhere in the world. Test scope was both manual and automation testing, UAT and successfully ensuring product quality assurance before launch.

OdiTek, with more than 15+ years of test automation & domain independent testing expertise successfully collaborated with the customer from the requirements phase to post-production phase. Like any other retail or eCommerce application, focus was to ensure products modules, booking & payment journey is well tested and certified before UAT.


Retail & eCommerce

Key Results

Comprehensive test coverage w.r.t. functional, security and performance and successful launch of the integrated scalable platform on Tier 4 cloud. OdiTek’s team could successfully launch the product platform assuring product quality parameters required. Payment tests and SMS and notification tests were carried out from different countries user perspectives. Overall the retail and eCommerce domain strength helped us to get the project completion on time with success.

Technologies Used
  • OS: Linux
  • Test Automation Scripting Languages: Java, Java Script
  • Application Program: Core PHP, MySQL, Android, iOS
  • Web Automation Tool: Selenium
  • Mobile App Automation Tool: Appium

Functional Tests

Security Tests

Booking Journey Tests

Automation Tests


With a cent percent test coverage and automation coverage of more than 70% to start with, UAT phase was hugely successful. Software deployment to production was achieved on time, and test reports, defects reporting were highly appreciated by the customer. Automation coverage and tests were very impressive and something that OdiTek team were proud of from the project.

Case Studies

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