OdiTek Nukkad

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VOIP Push Notification With Swift

A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is used to make and receive phone calls using an Internet connection instead of the device’s cellular service. From iOS 8, VoIP apps need to maintain a persistent connection with the server to receive...

Posted on August 08, 2020


WebRTC is one of the most reliable and smooth Real-Time Communication platform that made audio as well as video communication easier. WebRTC allows its users to communicate with each other through the browsers only instead of any additional plug-ins or...

Posted on August 08, 2020

WebRTC with Node.JS

WebRTC is a real-time communication platform described with HTML 5 specifications that enables its users to have real-time seamless communication with their peers without any additional plug-ins. WebRTC can do multitasking such as file sharing, video conferencing, and screen sharing,...

Posted on August 06, 2020

WebRTC for Firefox

WebRTC is a Real-Time Communication platform that doesn’t require any additional plug-ins for communication between peers. WebRTC is supported by all major browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari, etc. It enables a user to communicate with another...

Posted on August 05, 2020

WordPress Website Development Best Practices

Nowadays, every website development company (big and small) are involved in WordPress Website Development but how many do it in the right way? Every designer and developer should know if they are building the WordPress Website in the right and...

Posted on August 04, 2020

WebRTC Leak Test

WebRTC is a real time communication platform that enables business houses to communicate amongst its peers in a fastest and easiest way. While using WebRTC there are chances to lose your privacy due to leak of your IP address via...

Posted on August 04, 2020

WebRTC for Chrome

WebRTC is an open source real time communication platform the enables its users to communicate among themselves through audio-visual platform. WebRTC also allows you to have video conferencing, screen sharing, and sharing large files instantly. WebRTC is supported by all...

Posted on August 03, 2020

WebRTC Products & Solutions

WebRTC is a real time open source communication platform filled with different kinds of WebRTC products and Solutions. Do you have any idea what are those products or solutions? How can you use those products? How those products or solutions...

Posted on July 31, 2020

Top Skills For WebRTC Developers

Introduction to WebRTC: Modern web applications often need modern solutions in order to satisfy the growing need of digital customers. Are you one of them who are looking for modern WebRTC developers? Do you know what skills are required to...

Posted on July 30, 2020

5 Selenium Automation Testing Challenges & Their Solutions

Testing is the most important phase in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). The main objective of testing is to ensure bug-free software that will meet customers’ requirements. Sometimes testing can be strenuous as it involves manual test case execution against...

Posted on July 29, 2020

WebRTC Development - The Right Tool For New Era Web Developers

Are you facing any trouble while communicating between peers and are you worried about your security? Are you willing to communicate bi-directionally for certain arbitrary data? Then WebRTC is the perfect platform for you. Here is to why? WebRTC or...

Posted on July 28, 2020

An Overview on Selenium Test Automation Services

Automation testing is important for the client seeking to build a software or application that makes a good first impression on the users without compromising the quality. To create a long-lasting impression on the users and drive consumers we do...

Posted on July 25, 2020