OdiTek Nukkad

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Infographics and imagery - Critical to web designing

Introduction With the trend of using the internet to convey information to millions of people worldwide, it also becomes a challenge on how you can effectively communicate to the people with your contents. Making one’s content eye-catching and easy to understand is...

Posted on January 31, 2017

Security Testing For Mobile Applications

Introduction Security Testing ensures, that system and applications in an organization, are free from any loopholes that may cause a big loss. Security testing of any system is about finding all possible loopholes and weaknesses of the system which might...

Posted on January 31, 2017

Digital marketing-get more eyes on your merchandise

Digital marketing is a sunshade term for the focused on, quantifiable, and intelligent showcasing of items or administrations utilizing advanced advances to reach and change over leads into customers. The key target is to advance brands, construct inclination and build...

Posted on January 31, 2017

Digital Marketing: Segmentation to Drive Growth

Segmentation is utilized by advertisers for an assortment of purposes, including item improvement, valuing, focusing on, informing and estimation. Segmentation is additionally a key stride toward taking care of shoppers' requests for more important encounters. In the mean time, no...

Posted on January 31, 2017

How to build an online pharmacy business

In this internet age where users are in both smart phones and devices apart from PCs, every other business is getting online. And no wonder that now a days online drug stores have sprung up everywhere throughout the Internet. While...

Posted on January 31, 2017

Why India is the biggest outsourcing destination in Software...

Software Development commands compelling importance for new IT arrangements and IT-empowered administrations because of the rising worldwide interest. Appropriate software improvement gives the perfect measure of push to the sites usefulness and administration quality. This errand requires a great many...

Posted on January 31, 2017

Multichannel marketing

IT is the ability to interact with potential customers on various platforms. In this sense, a channel might be a print ad, a retail location, a website, a promotional event, a products package or even word of mouth.The objective of...

Posted on January 31, 2017

Why Infographics is Useful for your Digital Marketing Campaign?

What are Infographics? Infographics are a visually compelling communication medium that done well can communicate complex data in a visual format that is potentially viral. The term “Infographics” is applied to information, data or knowledge that is presented in graphic visual...

Posted on January 25, 2017