Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS and Android platforms. Native apps are those written using the iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs. Mobile web apps are web apps accessed using a mobile browser (Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in ‘Browser’ app on Android). Hybrid apps have a wrapper around a “webview” – a native control that enables interaction with web content. Projects like Phonegap, make it easy to build apps using web technologies that are then bundled into a native wrapper, creating a hybrid app.

Importantly, Appium is “cross-platform”: it allows you to write tests against multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows), using the same API. This enables code reuse between iOS, Android, and Windows test-suites.


Appium helps reduce the shipping time of mobile applications. Automating the test cases allows the testers to validate more features faster. Thus, it helps ship the product faster. The test scripts can be made to run on actual devices if available. If not, the same can also be run on emulators/ simulators. Written in Node.js, Appium server implements the selenium web driver that allows platform independence. This enables the user to run the same code on Android and IOS devices. Another advantage is that Appium scripts can be written in all the scripts supported by Selenium; for example, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and Python or C #, among others. It does not modify mobile applications as calabash automation tools do.

In the current pool of automation tools available for mobile application automation, Appium tool is a clear winner in terms of versatility. We have a well-supported and dedicated team of experienced mobile app development professionals and testers with 5+ years of average experience.

APPIUM Based Automation Testing Services

Mobile App Testing Services
Our Mobile App Testing Team comprises of a unique combination of skilled software engineering and testing teams with proven expertise in testing tools and methodologies to offer a wide range of testing solutions. We offer our services across all major Mobile Devices, Platforms, Domains and Operating Systems. The Mobile App Testing team works in coordination with iOS App Development Team and Android App Development team, which also helps them in seamless app testing.

iOS and Android App Testing Services
OdiTek Solutions provides iOS and Android Automation Testing services using Appium with a customizable framework based on clients’ needs. We follow a flexible methodology in making the implementation of the automation projects to be bundled with building tools like Maven, Ant and Continuous Integration (CI) tools like Jenkins/Hudson. We have adopted a Hybrid approach to make automation projects keyword as well as data driven. We also provide automated android app testing using Robotium and Selendroid.


Our test engineers can help you to identify when & what to automate, create robust reusable test cases, execute & enhance regression tests, and maintain automated tests alongside application changes. We can thus help you achieve optimum automation coverage of your application, accelerate time to market, reduce operational costs, and realize your quality vision.

  • Robust scripts with faster execution
  • Easy integration with building tools like Maven , Ant
  • Smooth integration and execution with Continuous integration tools like Jenkins
  • Complete Hybrid Framework supporting Keyword driven and Data driven approach
  • Fully customizable report generation in HTML , Spread sheets, CSV with Screen shots for failed tests and detailed information of test failures in reports
  • Full control over test cases to run or skip a test

Need Our Competencies? Contact us:

If you need to hire expert developers or test professionals for your next project or want to outsource development tasks on an ongoing basis by having an extended offshore software development team, get in touch with OdiTek Solutions today.

No up-front payment

We don't always ask dollars to kick-start, we wish to forge relationships where you will be assured that the team on which you would rely to build your product or solutions are good enough to do it. Reach out today, we would love to kick start the journey together!

Quick-notice start/stop

We are obliged to work on a mutually beneficial arrangement, contracts mean a legal paper but we understand that it's you who will decide w.r.t. work. We are open to both formal contracts as well as quick-notice start-stop mode of engagement.

Contact Us

+91 8763277165

What OdiTek offers

Certified Developers

Deep Industry Expertise

IP Rights Agreement -Source Codes to Customers, legal compliance

NDA – Legally binding non-disclosure terms

Compliance to Software Development Quality Standards

Product Development Excellence

Dedicated Project Manager (Not billed)

Proactive Tech Support-Round the Clock

Commitment to Schedule

High performance, Secure software design

Guranteed Cost Savings & Value Addition

Consistent Achiever of Customer Happiness

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