C is a high-level and general-purpose programming language that is ideal for developing firmware or portable applications. Among the most widely used languages, C has a compiler for most computer systems and has influenced many popular languages – notably C++.
C Language and C++ Services are widely used in the software industry, in particular for writing performance critical software. Some application domains include systems software, device drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and entertainment software such as video games. When real-time performance and interfacing with hardware and peripheral devices becomes important, C Language and C++ applications are often used.
We have been developing complex outsourcing solutions on C/C++ across a variety of fields including manufacturing, finance, and stock trading, embedded, network security and much more supporting leading software companies.

Services Offerings
OdiTek has extensive experience in developing software in C and C++, for a wide variety of applications and over a wide range of platforms and operating systems.

  • Building Windows-based desktop applications using MFC, COM and Win32 APIs.
  • Expertise writing and deploying code on multiple operating systems: Windows (2000/2003, XP, Vista), Linux and many flavors of Unix like HP-UX, AIX, Solaris.
  • Working with Network and Telephony APIs for SMS, SNMP, TAP, DTMF and GSM modems.
  • IVR systems. Text-to-speech with Microsoft TDS engine, Realspeak, etc.
  • Network Security with Kerberos 5, SASL.
  • GIS applications using ArcIMS from ESRI.
  • Mobile application development on Windows Mobile clients, with the Blackberry Enterprise
  • Server (BES) protocol and using Objective C for iPhone applications.
  • Native/Cross-platform applications
  • System-level software
  • Software development on C/C++ (embedded Systems, real-time operating systems, client-server systems, monitoring and control systems, etc.
  • Modernization of systems and applications
  • C/C++ mobile applications for smartphones and tablet devices

Skills and Matrix
OdiTek provides strong expertise in C & C++ system software development and programming for high efficiency and faults tolerant system software. We deliver robust software solutions built-to-purpose and have a highly experienced and competent team of Systems Software developers and architects.

  • We have Professional teams of qualified programmers, software architects & analysts
  • Our developers write codes for various situations and instances
  • They have the ability to write unit test cases for codes and low latency codes
  • Adept at debugging
  • Support users by developing documentation and assistance tools
  • Ability to solve complex problems
  • We are experienced in working with product development environment

Our Technology Expertise
Our team brings valuable and strong technical expertise, insights and knowledge to system software projects, in addition to valuable experience across multiple domains.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Sailfish
Frameworks/ libraries: Qt, STL, Boost, MFC, ATL, WTL, wxWidgets, .NET, libtorrent, FFmpeg, OpenSSL, Crypto++, gSOAP, Ogre3d, OpenGL, DirectX, OpenCL, OpenMP, TBB, IPP, MPI, Protobuf, OpenCV, NaCl
Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase, MongoDB, DB2, FireBird, Hiberlite, IMDb

Need Our Competencies? Contact us:

If you need to hire expert developers or test professionals for your next project or want to outsource development tasks on an ongoing basis by having an extended offshore software development team, get in touch with OdiTek Solutions today.

No up-front payment

We don't always ask dollars to kick-start, we wish to forge relationships where you will be assured that the team on which you would rely to build your product or solutions are good enough to do it. Reach out today, we would love to kick start the journey together!

Quick-notice start/stop

We are obliged to work on a mutually beneficial arrangement, contracts mean a legal paper but we understand that it's you who will decide w.r.t. work. We are open to both formal contracts as well as quick-notice start-stop mode of engagement.

Contact Us

+91 8763277165


What OdiTek offers

Certified Developers

Deep Industry Expertise

IP Rights Agreement -Source Codes to Customers, legal compliance

NDA – Legally binding non-disclosure terms

Compliance to Software Development Quality Standards

Product Development Excellence

Dedicated Project Manager (Not billed)

Proactive Tech Support-Round the Clock

Commitment to Schedule

High performance, Secure software design

Guranteed Cost Savings & Value Addition

Consistent Achiever of Customer Happiness

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