PHP Codeigniter framework is a powerful framework used for building fully functional dynamic applications. Being based on MVC pattern, Codeigniter development lets you split the data from visual presentation and application logic. Whether you want to build a small or large application, robust and easy to manage applications can be build using PHP Codeigniter development. OdiTek creates full-featured web applications with the help of CodeIgniter framework and offers clients high-quality PHP programs.

CodeIgniter Custom Web Development
The web development services provided by our adroit CodeIgniter developers assure the online growth of the businesses and enhance their visibility in the top search engine result pages.

Create & Custom e-Commerce Websites

Make your e-commerce business easy and hassle-free with CI(CodeIgniter) Framework and AJAX based Shopping Cart App to handle all the sensitive data.

CodeIgniter Application Development
Our experienced developers develop scalable, flexible, and reliable web applications based on CodeIgniter, to fulfill business needs of the clients.

CodeIgniter Integration Services
We integrate CodeIgniter web applications and other third-party modules and extensions with the client’s business, in order to improve the overall internal functioning of the organization.

CodeIgniter Migration Solution
Our dedicated developers migrate the client’s outdated CodeIgniter apps and websites to the latest versions and also ensure a smooth transition of data from the existing platform to CodeIgniter.

CodeIgniter Customization Services
OdiTek offers optimized and customized CodeIgniter solutions that are completely attuned to the business requirements of the clients.

CodeIgniter Extension Development
We build customized extensions as per the business requirements to extend the features and functionalities of the CodeIgniter platform.

Integratithird-partyrd party API
We integrate third-party services like payment gateways, email services, social media services, analytics, etc. with various APIs.

Web based CMS Development
Our developer experts develop an efficient CMS, customize as you require with strong functionality streams within your stipulated time frame.

Back-end for Mobile Apps
Our developers have the required skills to develop web backend for your mobile apps with CodeIgniter technology.

CodeIgniter Maintenance & Support
Our experts not only provide on-project support but also offer post-delivery maintenance services to keep the clients updated with the latest trends.

Oditek has a handpicked team of highly-qualified and professional CodeIgniter programmers who offer unmatched applications at unbeatable prices. They understand your requirements and help you with feature-rich Codeigniter applications. The team makes it extremely easy for the clients to bring changes in design elements of their web applications and e-commerce applications. Our years of experience in the field helps us to offer well-documented, organized and high-quality web solutions that are also optimized for speed.

  • The PHP Codeigniter developers working with us stay updated with the latest trends and updates to deliver
  • the best solutions to our clients across the globe
  • We offer exceptional performance of the applications
  • Developer have huge expertise in PHP CodeIgniter , HTML5, XHTML, CSS, AJAX, and JavaScript
  • Clear and thorough documentation
  • Adherence to strict coding rules

Whether you want to install, migrate or develop a custom application using Codeigniter, we can deliver the best solution that helps your business grow. We ensure that your project is delivered on time and within your budget. You can rely on us for error-free and flawless Codeigniter development services.

Need Our Competencies? Contact us:

If you need to hire expert developers or test professionals for your next project or want to outsource development tasks on an ongoing basis by having an extended offshore software development team, get in touch with OdiTek Solutions today.

No up-front payment

We don't always ask dollars to kick-start, we wish to forge relationships where you will be assured that the team on which you would rely to build your product or solutions are good enough to do it. Reach out today, we would love to kick start the journey together!

Quick-notice start/stop

We are obliged to work on a mutually beneficial arrangement, contracts mean a legal paper but we understand that it's you who will decide w.r.t. work. We are open to both formal contracts as well as quick-notice start-stop mode of engagement.

Contact Us

+91 8763277165

What OdiTek offers

Certified Developers

Deep Industry Expertise

IP Rights Agreement -Source Codes to Customers, legal compliance

NDA – Legally binding non-disclosure terms

Compliance to Software Development Quality Standards

Product Development Excellence

Dedicated Project Manager (Not billed)

Proactive Tech Support-Round the Clock

Commitment to Schedule

High performance, Secure software design

Guranteed Cost Savings & Value Addition

Consistent Achiever of Customer Happiness

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