Being one of the pioneers Node.js web application development service providers, we at OdiTek Solutions are in the business of delivering accomplished applications. Whether it is about plug-in and module development solutions or an app development requirement, we have been catering to the requirements of small and large-sized business modules. Having a flair for node.js development projects, the versatility of our developers lies in acquiring the business goals with Node.js development.

The requirement to hire Node.js developers thus suits specifically when custom Node.js solutions are to be developed depending upon the specified modules. Therefore, come to us, give a start to your web application and achieve your business goals. Our commitment is to deliver exceptional results with the Node.js application development in order to bring success to the clients’ business.


    • Development of highly event driven Node.js web applications
    • Customized Node.js development services
    • Development of plugins, and portals
    • Real-time business applications development with Node.js



Good knowledge of JavaScript forms the basis for becoming a strong Node.js Developer. If you already know JavaScript then you are one step closer to gaining the right skills to become one. So, if don’t know JavaScript, you should get started with it now.

At OdiTek our Node.js Developer involves a spectrum of knowledge in varied areas. Here’s a list of essential skills our experts in Node.js are using.

  • A basic understanding of front-end technologies such as such as HTML5, and CSS3 is absolutely necessary.
  • Knowledge of Node.js and other frameworks such as Express, StrongLoop, etc.
  • Understanding what asynchronous programming is all about and its workarounds.
  • Excellent understanding of server-side templating languages such as Jade, EJS, etc.
  • Good knowledge of server-side CSS preprocessors such as Stylus.
  • Working knowledge in user authentication and authorization between multiple systems, servers, and environments.
  • Ability to integrate multiple data sources and databases into one system.
  • Understanding fundamental design principles behind a scalable application.
  • Knowing the differences between multiple delivery platforms and optimizing their output.
  • Implementing automated testing platforms and unit tests.
  • Expert understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git.
  • Hands-on experience working on Node.js development tools like npm, grunt, gulp, brunch, broccoli, etc.
  • Error handling is a crucial part of the application to get right: knowing when to crash, or simply just log the error and continue/retry can be hard.
  • The Twelve-Factor application manifesto describes best practices on how web applications should be written.
  • Good knowledge on Semantic Versioning.
  • Add more skills related to Node.js, like AngularJS, PHP, jQuery, CSS3, etc.

    With the coming of Node.js, JavaScript has come to the forefront. It is bound to happen since it is already a well-known programming language used by developers in browsers. And, with Node.js, it has found a way to server-side implementation thus reducing the complexity of using two different languages at both ends.

    Today, Node.js offers one of the most innovative solutions to building servers and web/mobile applications. Its single-threaded event looping and asynchronous, non-blocking input/output processing feature distinguish it from other runtime environments. Its scope is rapidly increasing with valuable contributions from the developer community and other technology giants. Right now, several performance-driven frameworks are being developed using primary principles and approaches of Node.js. These frameworks have extended the functionality of Node.js to a considerable extent and have also built newer features.

    Today, Our experts are using frameworks like Express.js and Hapi.js are gaining prominence for designing better websites and mobile applications. Hence, it has become important to embrace the latest innovations that are being brought into the tech world by these Node.js frameworks. With this intention in mind, We decided to compile a list of popular Node.js frameworks and their useful applications. We are presenting a list of 10 Best Node.js Frameworks, which are currently redefining the application development field.

  • Hapi.js
  • Express.js
  • Mojito
  • Meteor
  • Derby
  • Mean.js
  • Sails.js
  • Koa.js
  • Total.js


    Best Node.js Tools for our Developers is our subjective list of the tools we’ve used before or use on a daily basis here at Oditek. We decided to share our stack and make life easier for those who, like us, work with Node.js.

    • Mocha.js
    • Chai
    • Sinon.JS
    • Express.js
    • WebStrom IDE
    • Passport.js
    • Webpack
    • BlueBird.js
    • PM2
    • Meteor.js

    Need Our Competencies? Contact us:

    If you need to hire expert developers or test professionals for your next project or want to outsource development tasks on an ongoing basis by having an extended offshore software development team, get in touch with OdiTek Solutions today.

    No up-front payment

    We don't always ask dollars to kick-start, we wish to forge relationships where you will be assured that the team on which you would rely to build your product or solutions are good enough to do it. Reach out today, we would love to kick start the journey together!

    Quick-notice start/stop

    We are obliged to work on a mutually beneficial arrangement, contracts mean a legal paper but we understand that it's you who will decide w.r.t. work. We are open to both formal contracts as well as quick-notice start-stop mode of engagement.

    Contact Us

    +91 8763277165

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    Guranteed Cost Savings & Value Addition

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