OdiTek Nukkad

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Software and Languages used to Develop iOS Apps

Software: Apple has its software for building iOS apps called Xcode. It serves as an editor for your code, as well as a debugging tool and way to preview your apps before you launch them. Xcode is free to download,...

Posted on May 27, 2020

iOS App Development with Swift

Introduction: The iOS platform powers apps built for the iPhone and iPad. To develop an app for the iPhone or iPad, you need to use Swift as a coding language and the Cocoa framework. You need to use an IDE...

Posted on May 27, 2020

Software & Language Used for Android Application Development

Introduction We can approach android application development in many different ways. As a mobile application developer, what we have learned here at Oditek Solutions in the past few years that there is not any specific technology that works everywhere. Android...

Posted on May 27, 2020

MEAN STACK Development Services

INTRODUCTION Are you searching for a free, open-source software stack to build dynamic and powerful web applications and websites? Moreover, if you are looking for a complete technology solution to develop innovative projects for diverse business requirements, you should seriously...

Posted on May 26, 2020

Best Practices & Tools for MEAN Stack Developers

INTRODUCTION To succeed as professional MEAN Stack developers, we require a lot of learning, skill development, and experience on working all different components of MEAN Stack and associated development tools. To transform from a beginner to an experienced professional takes...

Posted on May 25, 2020

Top Skills to Look for Before Hiring A Full Stack Developer

INTRODUCTION: Today’s digital age comes with a vast array of different career opportunities to choose from. New developments and state-of-the-art innovations give birth to an increasing number of positions to support them. A full stack developer is one of them....

Posted on May 21, 2020

CMS Comparison: Sitefinity vs Kentico

Today’s customer basically demands personalised experience with instant delivery of content through the platform they choose. There are so many CMS options in hand to start with but today we will be focusing on two CMS platform basically: Sitefinity vs...

Posted on May 14, 2020

Comparing TIBCO Jaspersoft Over Other Reporting Platforms

INTRODUCTION Different companies will require different reports capabilities in their system software, therefore an in-depth analysis is always required taking which reporting or BI tool will suit to the specific business decision makers needs. And Jaspersoft TIBCO tops the list....

Posted on May 13, 2020

Installing Jasper Reports Server - The Most Simplest Steps to Follow

Overview Jasper Reports Server is built on Jasper Reports Library that provides interactive and robust reporting, reports server, and data analysis capabilities. The server enables seamless integration with other applications and the capability to add custom functionality easily by exposing...

Posted on May 13, 2020

Sitefinity vs. WordPress : which one is better for your business

We think everything is good up today on your side. With this fine day, let us discuss the battle between 2 leading content management systems – Sitefinity vs WordPress. When it’s time to decide for choosing the right CMS platform,...

Posted on May 12, 2020

Getting Started with Jasper iReport Designer? Know its Lifecycle & the Important Report Elements

INTRODUCTION Jasper iReport is an open-source report designer for JasperReports & JasperReports Server. It helps you do these following things Create beautiful layouts containing charts, subreports, crosstabs, and images, Access your data through XML Hibernate, JavaBeans, JDBC, TableModels, CSV and...

Posted on May 12, 2020

Best CMS for your Business: Sitefinity vs Sitecore

From a business owner aspect, it’s vital to know what kind of CMS platform could be better for their website. There are quite a numbers of CMS platform to build a website but today we are going to 2 of...

Posted on May 12, 2020