OdiTek Nukkad

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Jasper Reports Studio : Meet the New Eclipse-Based Report Designer

We are living in an exciting world. Anyone with a project idea and credit card can build a datacenter in minutes. Today’s world is just about efficiency and TIBCO Jasper Reports Studio brings you just that. INTRODUCTION TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio...

Posted on May 09, 2020

Website personalization with Sitefinity CMS Development

As a Sitefinity CMS Development experts view of the point we need to know the importance of website personalization and how it can become a crucial point for a successful business. On saying that the trickiest part in marketing campaign...

Posted on May 09, 2020

Jasper Reports – Overview of the Best Open Source Reporting Tool

Introduction: Jasper Reports is a popular open-source reporting tool that is used by hundreds of thousands of coders all around the globe. It can be used to generate a wide variety of reports in various formats like - 1. CSV...

Posted on May 07, 2020

Sitefinity Development - Speed and Performance

How do you do mates? It’s a good fine day to talk about how to improve the development of creating Sitefinity Content Management System sites. But now there is a lot of talk about the performance improvements and checks for...

Posted on May 07, 2020

Mobile Performance testing for Native and Web App

Being a versatile tool, JMeter can be used for mobile performance testing as well. It provides handy features to prepare and run our mobile specific performance test scripts. Jmeter can help to do performance test for both Android and iOS...

Posted on August 20, 2019

Best Practices & Guidelines for BDD

Know About "Behavior Driven Development (BDD)" Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a strategy for creating programming through continuous example-based communication between developers, QAs and BAs. The basic role of BDD technique is to enhance communication among the stakeholders of the...

Posted on January 16, 2019

Wait in Selenium Webdriver

Different kinds of Wait in selenium webdriver are 1. Thread Sleep Purpose: This is rarely used, as it always force the browser to wait for a specific time. Thread.Sleep is never a good idea and that’s why Selenium provides wait...

Posted on November 26, 2018

Windows Device Driver Development

Introduction Driver is a very important piece of software that provides a way for a particular hardware to interact with a particular Operating System. Development of device drivers is quite a daunting task. It is a complicated and fastidious activity...

Posted on November 08, 2018

Linux Device Driver Development

Introduction Device drivers are parts of the operating system that facilitate usage of hardware devices via certain programming interface so that software applications can control and operate the devices. As each driver is specific to a particular operating system, one...

Posted on October 27, 2018

Android NDK Development

Android NDK Development Being the most popular mobile OS in the world, Android app development is naturally the top choice for mobile app developers today.. Android apps are typically written in Java, with its elegant object-oriented design. However to overcome...

Posted on October 12, 2018

Bhubaneswar - Fast Catching up with Bangalore as IT Hub

Bhubaneswar - Fast Catching up with Bangalore as IT Hub Bhubaneswar, or more commonly known as a city of temples that’s both scenic and quiet in nature is a pit stop for tourists enroute to Puri. But all that has...

Posted on September 12, 2018

Flask vs Django

Introduction Python, a programming language which is rapidly gaining preferability & popularity among start-ups and cloud technology provider companies all over the world as it is favored for its clear, readable code, and flexibility. Python is the language of choice...

Posted on August 31, 2018