OdiTek Nukkad

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What is ASP.Net with MVC

Introduction Most of the enterprise-class business applications today are built on ASP.Net with MVC. The architectural and design advantages of ASP.Net with MVC provide greater advantages with respect to software design vis-Ă -vis competing technology stacks. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a software...

Posted on June 05, 2020

Develop Powerful Front-End : Hire ANGULARJS Developers India

HIRE ANGULARJS DEVELOPERS INDIA We work exclusively on your AngularJS application or web products development based on MEAN Stack. Unleash the power of JavaScript and design a rich-featured single-page application across platforms by choosing an experienced team from us. We...

Posted on June 04, 2020

AngularJS Development Services – Angular is Developer’s Delight!

ROBUST & HIGHLY SECURE ANGULARJS DEVELOPMENT Are you stuck with questions like, which smart technology to choose to win business? Which programming language will best suit your app? Which platform you should choose for your app? The framework has always...

Posted on June 03, 2020


ODITEK - THE LEADING ANGULARJS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INDIA Angular JS is an open-source, JavaScript-based framework using which you can develop dynamic single page web applications to large scale applications with complex set of user interfaces. OdiTek Solutions is a leading...

Posted on June 02, 2020


With ASP.NET, a dynamic website can be built by using a familiar drag-and-drop, event-driven model. A design surface and hundreds of controls and components let you rapidly build sophisticated, powerful UI-driven sites with data access. By saying that we will...

Posted on June 02, 2020

DevExpress Reporting and DevExpress Dashboard

Now a day’s businesses are searching for management solutions which are more effective and less hectic. And why not, who wants to spend more time in this mind jumbled thing for hours and hours rather utilizing that time to make...

Posted on June 02, 2020

Future Of Web Apps Brighten With MEAN Stack Development Companies

MEAN STACK DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES With proven competence in multiple libraries and frameworks, MEAN Stack developers at OdiTek Solutions have the expertise and experience required to make your application or website successful and competitive. As one of the rapidly evolving MEAN...

Posted on June 01, 2020


Introduction: Android has evolved over the years and quickly become the dominant mobile platform across the globe. Android holds over 74.13% of the global mobile OS market share as of December 2019. Android mobile devices are immensely popular on the...

Posted on May 29, 2020

Get The Best Support From Trusted MEAN Stack Development Company

MEAN STACK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Oditek is a leading MEAN Stack development company, utilizing it’s strong experience on MEAN Stack.. The main reason that makes using the MEAN Stack development services popular is its flexibility and ease of development. MEAN is...

Posted on May 29, 2020


Introduction: Xcode is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) mostly used to design and develop an iOS app. Xcode includes a swift compiler, interface builder and other required tools to upload your app to the app store. Now Xcode contains everything...

Posted on May 29, 2020

Differences between ASP.NET 5 and ASP.NET MVC 6

The best way to learn the new in any technology is to compare with its earlier version. The ASP.NET 5 is an open-source platform for developing web applications on Windows, Mac and Linux. On the other hand, The ASP.NET MVC...

Posted on May 29, 2020


Introduction: Android application development is a new trend and emerging as a market leader in mobile platforms. Android has a greater user base with around 85% of global market shares. The rapid increase in the use of smartphones has raised...

Posted on May 28, 2020