OdiTek provides cost-effective and customizable DotNetNuke Web Programming Services to render a range of DNN Web Development Services for both new and existing websites running on DNN / IIS / MSSQL combination which is becoming the choice of IT and non-IT industry leaders for dynamic websites.

OdiTek leads the world market as a quality DNN Outsourcing Company in India through the development of DNN based websites and fast-driven applications. OdiTek provides timely, efficient, and affordable DotNetNuke Programming Services. We have gained experience through a variety of DNN Projects done for customers based in the UAE and USA.


We provide all sorts of best quality services and smart solutions related to DotNetNuke within a suitable time as well as budget that are successfully executed with complete obligations.

DotNetNuke Development 001


OdiTek strives to focus on the customer and deliver solutions designed around their needs as we possess quality DotNetNuke Programmers &DNN Experts. We have dedicated DNN software development team with extensive experience in Windows, IIS, Microsoft .net framework 3.5, MSSQL, and DNN & AJAX with full functional knowledge base to meet the customer expectations with our Offshore Development Center services.we have gained expertise and proven track record are as below:

  • open source rich content management system and Design
  • Administration and Security Tools
  • Multi-language feature
  • Few important contents manageable by DNN are Text, Images, Documents, Links, Events, News, Banner ads, Threaded discussion forums, Email forms, Broadcast email, Site registration, RSS news feeds etc
  • Free of cost availability and no licensing fees
  • Modifications like graphic design and functionality
  • Built in features provides extraordinary functionality


There is a wide range of recommended development tools we are using for creating DotNetNuke extensions.

  • The DNN Platform- The DNN Platform has several features that allow any type of DNN extension to be defined, described, and packaged. Besides, the Module Source Editor provides basic source code editing functionality for modules. For more advanced module editing features you can use the DNN Module Creator, an open-source module that can be easily accessed and installed from the extensions page of your DNN installation.
  • Web Matrix- Web Matrix is a standard Microsoft product that can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Web Application Gallery. Web Matrix provides base-level editing capability intended for junior developers and power users. Web Matrix provides all the tools you need for building almost any type of DNN extension.
  • Visual Studio- Visual Studio is a commercial Microsoft product that provides advanced code editing and development tools. Visual Studio is a great fit for more advanced developers and is the best choice for building complex extensions.

We aim to provide sustainable business strategy through creative and customized solutions that will meet your business necessities and certainly acquire development for your business. Our DotNetNuke developers are meant to offer expert DNN development specific services, solutions as well as consultation.

If you are searching for an exceptionally talented group for the DotNetNuke development technology solutions, then OdiTek is the right choice for all your business needs.

Need Our Competencies? Contact us:

If you need to hire expert developers or test professionals for your next project or want to outsource development tasks on an ongoing basis by having an extended offshore software development team, get in touch with OdiTek Solutions today.

No up-front payment

We don't always ask dollars to kick-start, we wish to forge relationships where you will be assured that the team on which you would rely to build your product or solutions are good enough to do it. Reach out today, we would love to kick start the journey together!

Quick-notice start/stop

We are obliged to work on a mutually beneficial arrangement, contracts mean a legal paper but we understand that it's you who will decide w.r.t. work. We are open to both formal contracts as well as quick-notice start-stop mode of engagement.

Contact Us

+91 8763277165


What OdiTek offers

Certified Developers

Deep Industry Expertise

IP Rights Agreement -Source Codes to Customers, legal compliance

NDA – Legally binding non-disclosure terms

Compliance to Software Development Quality Standards

Product Development Excellence

Dedicated Project Manager (Not billed)

Proactive Tech Support-Round the Clock

Commitment to Schedule

High performance, Secure software design

Guranteed Cost Savings & Value Addition

Consistent Achiever of Customer Happiness

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