OdiTek offers a comprehensive array of Joomla Development services. The team of developers and web designers at OdiTek are capable of promptly providing you with Joomla related services like cms and ecommerce development, Joomla customization and integration services, theme development, template design, extension development, component and plug-in development, maintenance, troubleshooting and support services as per your specific requirements.
If you think you’re ready to migrate your website to Joomla, or just want some tweaking, we can help you do it. In case, you need a new site, we can develop a Joomla site from scratch. We can just as well make a custom template for you. You will get a full featured professional website with documentation for ready reference.
Why people choose Joomla very often is because it is free and is Open Source. It has numerous add-ons. With our Joomla customization services, OdiTek offers you bespoke Joomla CMS and its 3rd party components, made-to-order modules and extensions for Joomla website modification. No matter, whether you have a set commercial script to modify or you require the source code update, we are equally proficient at both. We can integrate your Joomla CMS with other PHP and non-PHP platforms as well.
Get expert support from professionals at reasonable prices. Our maintenance offer is open and flexible. You can either go for a monthly retainer or can order a Joomla installation, component tweaking, system backup monitoring and update, troubleshooting of systems, etc. What’s best? You compensate us only for the ordered services – no additional costs and no-strings attached. This arrangement is profitable for Joomla greenhorns too.
Joomla technologies, in which OdiTek is well-skilled and knowledgeable, are as below:
- Apache Webserver
- Ajax/ jQuery
- XML/ WebService
- Joomla Development Plugins
Among the various definitions of this term, the one which correctly explains its meaning is:
“The Joomla template frameworks are base skeleton outlines that consist of fresh and blank HTML codes with no gradients, colors, and borders, but only margins, dimensions, and menu system styling.”
It means the Joomla developers can efficiently use these template solutions for expressing their talent and coding knowledge.
When it comes to choose the appropriate Joomla template framework solution for your website development, the basic set of requirements for all developers is that the template must be time saving and easy to implement. If you are still not able to get the best Joomla template that suits your requirements, here we are going to list the best Joomla template frameworks, which you can use for expressing your creativity and talent while developing your website. These templates are similar to empty canvas, where the painter paints their imagination on their own.
1. Helix3 Framework
Helix3 is an entirely modern and highly customizable template framework which can be used to build your Joomla 3+ website as per your estimates and thoughts.
It has one of the most user-friendly approaches with an easy integration solution to the construction of a Joomla 3+ website. Once you install Helix3 Framework to create your website, you would find loads of inbuilt features and predefined options for the template development of any Joomla 3+ website.
Helix3 Framework is not a mere plugin or template. Rather it can be hailed as a complete package which can be accessed very easily.
2. HLi Framework by 7 Studio
HLi by 7Studio is a responsive Joomla template framework, which uses the new features of Joomla 3.X series like flexible and customary module positions, Custom Template Backgrounds, and Google Analytics elements.
3. Gantry Framework by RocketTheme
Another popular framework of Joomla is Gantry Framework, which is offered by RocketTheme, one of the principal vendors of Joomla products. Integrated with the benefits of all preceding Joomla template frameworks, it provides impressive design patterns for developing both the backend and front end of your Joomla website. It comes integrated with in-built Gantry RocketGZipper feature, which squeezes the CSS and JS for offering optimal performance. For speeding up the upload time of your website, you can also use the Gantry Cache plugin.
4. Vertex Framework by Shape5
Vertex Framework is one of the best solutions especially for those developers, who want to create template of their own for the website development. This impressive framework comes with loads of built-in impressive features, which consists of flexible layouts like social media, fonts etc.. Moreover, this framework is fully functional and free, which is good for both developers and newbies.
5. Warp Framework by YooTheme
Warp Framework is developed by YooTheme, which comprises of a team of experienced and skilled German developers. This framework of Joomla is considered as a toolset of important features that are required for developing attractive YooTheme templates by the Joomla developers. Apart from this, more than 50 templates are available over internet, which are based on Warp 6 and Warp 5.5. The websites developed sing the Warp frameworks have amazing loading speed due to CSS Sprites and Gzip compression.
At OdiTek our Joomla exprts are using various tools which are based on both environment and development.
1. Wamp (Windows)
WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases.
2. Mamp (Mac: Both Community and Commercial versions)
MAMP installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your Mac OS X computer. It comes free of charge (community edition), and is easily installed. MAMP will not compromise any existing Apache installation already running on your system. You can install Apache, PHP and MySQL without starting a script or having to change any configuration files!
3. Lamp (Linux)
Xampp (available for all platforms)
XAMPP is a completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl. The XAMPP open source package has been set up to be incredibly easy to install and to use.
4. Vagrant
Vagrant is a tool for building complete development environments. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases development/production parity, and makes the “works on my machine” excuse a relic of the past.
5. Joomlatools Vagrant box (Virtual machine with Lamp stack)
This project automates the setup of a Joomla development environment. It is capable of running a full featured LAMP stack with a single command so that you can start working on your Joomla projects quickly.
6. Oracle VM VirtualBox
VirtualBox is a powerful, feature-rich virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use, it is freely available as Open Source Software (GNU GPL).
VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4, 2.6 and 3.x), Solaris and OpenSolaris, OS/2, and OpenBSD.
7. Ampps (available for all platforms)
AMPPS is an easy to install software stack of Apache, Mysql, PHP, Perl, Python and Softaculous auto-installer that can be used on Desktops and office servers.
1. Composer
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.
Joomlatools Composer Installer
This Composer plugin will install extensions into your Joomla setup.
FOF2 (Framework on Framework 2)
FOF is a rapid application development framework included in Joomla! It extends the Joomla! Platform instead of replacing it, featuring its own forked and extended version of the MVC classes, keeping a strong semblance to the existing Joomla! and provides HMVC capabilities.
FOF3 (Framework on Framework 3) FOF3 improves on FOF2/F0F2 and brings in powerful new tools for Joomla 3. like a new dataModel, Use of namespaces, DI container, Class autoloading for components, a scaffolding builder to rapidly auto create a frame for your component, and so much more. WARNING FOF 3.x is not backwards compatible with FOF 2.x and 1.x.
FOF3-Basic A hello world type example for Akeeba FOF3 written as a developer walkthrough for building a Joomla! component from the ground up.
Nooku Framework
Framework for building Joomla extensions with less code.